Friday, March 25, 2011

Laast day.

Day 15: Five good things about yourself, and five bad.

Let's start with the bad, so I can redeem myself here.


One; I dwell. I dwell on the past, and some days it's nearly impossible for me to live in the present. I wish I could let go of my past, but I'm just not there yet.

Two; I'm a stubborn s.o.b. You piss me off, you'd better understand that I'm probs not going to be the person to fix things between us. Unless I really care about you.

Three; I'm honest. Too honest.

Four; I have certain expectations of people and when they dont meet them that relationship tends to fall apart..

Five; Last, and worst of all. I'm heartless, in a sense. I'm sick of getting hurt.. so I walk away from people before it gets to the point where they have the chance to hurt me. I pull away from everyone because of the bad experiences I've had, and the shitty ways that people have treated me. I'm working on it, but right now I'm worse than ever.


One; According to people [dont think I'm being cocky] my smile can brighten up a day. I love my smile, and it makes me soo happy when people tell me I have a nice smile.

Two; You can almost always turn my frown upside down by making me laugh.

Three; I love to make people happy.

Four; I love to make new friends, and start things off on the right foot with people.

Five; I have good intentions. I never set out to spitefully harm someone, I never want to hurt anyone. I know I've hurt people in my life, but it's never been intentional.

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