I'm at the U, and I'm pretty sure it's for good now. I just joined a sorority! It's called Alpha Phi. I'm now a founding member of the University of Utah chapter. Which I think is a really cool thing. I dont know many of my sisters yet, because I've been working all the time. But hopefully I'll get to meet them all soon. Cause lord knows I could use some friends. But I think this is going to be a good thing for me. I'll be more involved, and I'll be meeting new people. So it's a win win. The only loss is the cost. It's so dang expensive! But hopefully it will be worth it.

On to the next thing. Work. I got a new job attttt... drumroll please.. PACSUN. My favorite store! It's been a good and a bad thing. I've spent soooo much money there since I started working, but I've also made a ton. I love the people I work with, they're awesome. I have already had some crazy memories with almost all of my co-workers. I'm excited to be there, and to hopefully move up in positions at some point. But for now I'm content with being a brand rep.

Next item of business, I had to put down my baby girl Lady, and it was the most awful thing I've ever done. I seriously cried for two days straight. But she's not suffering or in pain anymore, which is the most important part. But we got a new puppy about two weeks ago, and she is adorable. She's in her playful, I want to chew on everything stage, and it drives me nuts. But then sometimes, like right now, she'll just fall asleep with me. She's sleeping on my arm as I type this. Soo cute. I dont want her to get bigger! I like her to fit in the palm of my hand.

Other than that I guess there havent been many other changes. I still dislike college, and dont know if I'm in the right place. But I'm sure I'm going to feel like that for a while, it doesnt just go away overnight. Overall I think I'm in an alright place. I could be one million times better. But I'm content right now.